Fostering the rule of law


The LIV is recognised by businesses, government and the general public as the leader of the legal profession in Victoria.

The Goal

Extension of the 1Click function (already in use for membership renewals) to support councillor voting so that eligible voters could cast anonymous votes without the need to login.

The Challenges

Confirming eligibility while also ensuring a user experience that meant the voting experience would be inhibited.

The Solution

The user lands on the 1Click Voting page, and are first identified using the parameters in the link, and then validated by ensuring they haven’t previously voted. Once valid they are presented with a voting screen where they nominate their preferred councillor. This is done using a custom application built specifically for this purpose. Once their vote has been cast the activity in iMIS is updated to indicate that they have voted (to prevent additional voting) and includes a date/time the vote took place.

The Outcome

Anonymity is supported still as the vote is not recorded in iMIS or on the member’s activity… only the fact that they have voted.