
The institute launched its Kentico site in late 2019 and immediately benefited from increased registrations and member engagement. 2020 presented challenges for every associated, and AIST was no different. They were instantly tasked with the challenge of taking their traditional face-to-face learning model online.

The Goal

Important to the institute was the ability to allow members and non-members to get instant access to topical and timely industry knowledge and make it easy to find and filter. They had an extensive library of already developed content about their courses and speakers that they wanted to leverage and wanted to ensure that they could offer unique pricing options like "get three webinars for the price of two".

The Challenges

A traditional shopping cart didn't quite fit as they needed to support the ability to buy only 1 of any item while still ensuring member and non-member pricing. Further, they wanted to allow people to preview the content before purchase and ensure that CPD was recorded automatically.

The Solution

Clever use of Kentico page templates and webparts allowed for the institute to present configurable groups of content in a Netflix style pattern. A small amount of customisation to the standard Kentico eCommerce functions allowed for special pricing rules to be supported and integration to iMIS for payment processing and tax invoice generation. Intelligent content structures available in Kentico also allowed for content re-use wherever possible, saving significant time when adding new items to the library.

The Outcome

AIST launched the CPDforSuper portal in record time while all staff and 3DN were working in lockdown. There are now hundreds of instantly available CPD videos online and ready for purchase support real-time CPD reporting straight back into iMIS. They've also added the ability to buy access to live webinars at a moment's notice with integration straight into the LMS delivery system.